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Trekcast Special Edition 2: Larry and Teras are back


Larry Nemecek is one of our guests in this special edition of the German Trekcast

Hailing frequencies open to Larry Nemecek and Teras Cassidy: In this new special edition of the German Trekcast we talk about the upcoming Exploring Trek Sites tour (of course!), about J. J. Abrams, the Enterprise blu-ray release and the mysterious decision of Paramount to release the next Star Trek movie earlier in Europe than in the U.S..

Star Trek expert Larry Nemecek and Teras Cassidy from Geek Nation Tours joined us from the beautiful California and Canada.

Ein Hinweis für unsere deutschsprachigen Zuhörer: Diese Folge des Trekcasts haben wir in englischer Sprache aufgezeichnet. Die nächste reguläre Folge erscheint wieder in deutscher Sprache.

Geek Nation Tours – Vegas tour 2013
News: Michael Westmore at Exploring Trek Sites Tour 2013 (in German)
Larry at WonderCon (News)
Larry at WonderCon (video)
The Official Star Trek Vegas Convention website

Hosted by Yann Patrick-Schlame and Malte Kirchner.

You can listen to our podcast here: [display_podcast]

 Subscribe to the German Trekcast on iTunes

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